Our 2023 Award Winners

Hand in Hand Mental Health Services, LLC is proud to announce the winners of our 2023 awards.

Misty Dawson is awarded the Tenacity Award. Misty has been at Hand in Hand for just over a year. She has taken the Community Living Program to a whole new level. She has worked alone and has bent over backwards to find solutions in situations that seemed impossible. She is willing to roll up her sleeves and get dirty as well as have those tough conversations with people who are about to lose their homes. She can motivate and inspire people to do things they did not think they could do. Through her own humility and her unending compassion and belief in the people she serves inspires them to become their best self. She has helped people find new housing in a community where this is a limited resource. She has come along side of individuals who were in 24/7 care, to help them move to greater levels of independence, and now they are getting ready to launch into their own apartments. If there was a motto, Misty would probably say, “I won’t give up until I get it done, or until I find the solution.” Now there is someone to have on your team!

Kyle Kellerman is awarded the Recovery Enhancer Award. He had only been with the Agency since November (about 3 months). The vision of helping people in recovery is to walk side-by-side with them, not to do things FOR or TO a person, but to do things “WITH”. Through shared experiences in daily life, he has been side-by-side with residents to celebrate the victories and hold fast with them in the storms. Through his own lived experience, he has put into motion a plan of recovery in his own life, and through this experience, he comes to the residents in the home and shows them, “I care about you just as you are, but I care too much to let you stay where you are.”

Chuck Bean is awarded the “Got Your Back” Award. Chuck has been with the agency since April of 2022. He came into the helping field from the construction world and wasn’t sure he had what it takes to do the job, but he was a hungry student and eager to learn. His compassion and dedication to the people in our homes became his focus. As a result, whether you are his co-worker or a resident in the home, he is the guy you can count on to “have your back”. He will push through to find the answers and to make sure that the residents know they are no alone, and he really cares. Look out if someone goes against one of the residents, Chuck will climb mountains and face any obstacle to advocate for residents in the homes to ensure that they receive the very best.

Autumn Woodrow is awarded the Guiding Light Award. Autumn is a volunteer who started with us about 2 years ago at Renewed Life Haven. She has really grown into one of the most valuable people our residents rely on for support. Autumn developed her role into whatever each resident needed most and now “works” at each of the SEEDS homes. She acts as a community living coach/aide/skills teacher/advocate/ and an all-around champion for the residents and staff. Her dedication to serving and giving of herself is a demonstration of true compassion and she shines her light in all she does. She has a gift for leaving people feeling valued and understood. Description: “A guiding light is a person who has profound influence on others and is a true source of inspiration and admiration.”