
John B.S., C.P.R.P.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist

John has been working for Hand in Hand since 2016 where he has become a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Certified Facilitator.  He has chose to work in the psych rehab field to focus on the recovery model and help individuals with mental health symptoms prosper in their recovery.  He believes the Challenge Center team and services has been the best career choice he has encountered.  He has a deep faith and belief that Jesus Christ is his lord and savior and has been working towards providing spiritual support to others.

Other Member


Aaron B.A., C.P.R.P.

Director of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

Ally B.S., C.P.R.P

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Supervisor
denise pic

Denise B.S., C.P.R.P

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist

Julia AA/AS, CPS, C.P.R.P

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist